855 Ferry Street
Eugene, Oregon 97401
(541) 579-1248


On Ramp
$$200 mo
  • 6 Private Introductory Classes
  • 1 on 1 / Small group Training
  • Scheduled Appointments
  • Unlimited class access for the Rest of the Month
3x Week
$138 mo
  • 3x Week /
    12 Classes per Month
  • * OnRamp may be Required
  • Open Class Schedule
  • Access to both Crossfit and Specialty Classes
  • Specialty Classes count toward sessions


Student / Police / Fire / Military

$165 mo
  • Unlimited Classes per Month
  • * OnRamp may be Required
  • Open Class Schedule
  • Access to All  Classes
  • Access to Open Gym


Student / Police / Fire / Military

*On Ramp may be required if you are new to many of the movements we use in training. If you have experience with things like cleans, presses, jerks, deadlifts, squatting, KB Swings, you may be able to jump right into our regular crossfit classes. Please feel free to inquire with us about start up.

If you are unfamiliar with CrossFit gyms it is important to understand the services offered. Other gyms offer memberships “to use equipment”. CrossFit is “personal training”. Every class has a workout programmed for you by coaches who also instruct and guide you through each workout. You will receive information on nutrition, receive assessments, movement progressions, skill building, as well as after gym exercises to overcome prior injuries or movement deficiencies.

Outside of CrossFit classes, Lane 5 Crossfit offers 1 on 1 private sessions, and nutritional help. Please contact us or stop by the gym with any questions about these options or about further options. We are open to work with individual needs.
